I met with the masses at the Rally for Sanity in DC:
I dressed as Flapper for Halloween in DC:
And last weekend I jet-setted off to London with the family for a weekend of good English fun and a Saturday spent uniting with long lost family:
it smelled like pee in there...
The trip to DC was refreshing, despite serious stress coming from work. It was amazing to spend time with my old gang, and even to spend time with a gang in general!! Here in Philly my social life hasn't quite reached the levels I've previously achieved in life. Then again, if you are reading this you already know that. The rally was good fun and the weather was amazing. Halloween was disastrous and fun and I only got into one fight in Spanish with a drunk Puerto Rican over my use of her bathroom... I guess she'll think twice before she calls some random white girl a puta again...and I'll think twice before I use someone's bathroom before introducing myself. Lessons learned...
And then there was our glamorous trip to London. We arrived Thursday morning and took in as many sights as possible until Saturday morning when we went to Chiswick (pronounced Chisick)
to meet Raymond and his family. Raymond was my dad's dad's first cousin. When my grandfather was working on the bunkers that would eventually help keep the Nazis out of Egypt he would come stay at Raymond's house in Alexandria over the weekends. We heard many stories about that lost time and got acquainted with his wife, and his daughter and her family who hosted us. Unfortunately he didn't know very much about my grandmother or the people in her pictures that we had questions about, however, it was amazing to meet them and to know that I have family in London!!
to meet Raymond and his family. Raymond was my dad's dad's first cousin. When my grandfather was working on the bunkers that would eventually help keep the Nazis out of Egypt he would come stay at Raymond's house in Alexandria over the weekends. We heard many stories about that lost time and got acquainted with his wife, and his daughter and her family who hosted us. Unfortunately he didn't know very much about my grandmother or the people in her pictures that we had questions about, however, it was amazing to meet them and to know that I have family in London!!
I also fell in love with London and can't wait to one day go back. This coming weekend I will be in NYC on Sat for a birthday dinner for my sis, but Friday night promises some adventure. Also, I've got my camera charger here now, so expect pictures!!!
I made the Blog!!! Oh I feel famous now! great post and I am so glad you had a great time in of my favorite places. Love you!